Leadership Development Program Proposal From Daniels
Leadership Institute, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver We propose to create a program based on the award-winning program created by the Daniels Leadership Institute at the University of Denver entitled Emerging Leaders: Navigating the Future. That program is offered on an open enrollment basis twice a year to managers from a variety of corporations across the country. It has also been adapted and modified for corporations to meet their specific scheduling and content needs. For NAMIC we propose to add modules related to essential business management competencies needed in the cable industry and to add or modify modules to address specific concerns common to minority managers assuming leadership roles in a dominant cultural system. TABLE OF CONTENTS v Philosophy and Approach v
Instructional approach
and teaching methodologies
Program Outline
v Instructional Schedule (time and topics) v
v Description of instructor qualifications v
and feedback system for v Process to keep in touch with participants over the long term v Mechanism
to track participants longitudinally
v Possible
locations for each session
v Budget and
proposed tuition cost
References Philosophy and Approach
The goal of the program is to prepare the new generation of executives to face challenges and provide leadership for the industry- It is our assumption that effective leadership is based on management competencies in planning, financial management and market sensitivity. Our program outline assumes that participants in this learning experience come with educational background and job experience in these business disciplines. We will, however, review these areas in order to highlight their importance, relate them to the cable and telecommunications industry and serve to define the distinction between management and leadership. The program will turn managers into leaders. To structure that process, we base our programs on the research of James Kouzes and Barry Posner, who have identified five practices that as essential to leadership. They are:
The Daniels College of Business is committed to helping managers develop the personal and interpersonal skills needed to lead others into the future. Our notion of leadership is often referred to as values-based leadership. In addition to personal and interpersonal skills, leaders need a clear understanding of the organization in which they work , the larger environment in which their organization and industry operates, and their ethical and social responsibilities to the people and systems they touch. We propose to move the focus from individual to group or team, then to organization and on to the larger environment in which the organization exists. Effective managers know themselves, understand how to enlist others into their vision and mission, can appropriately navigate the organizational culture, and bring vision and value to their work. Unique to the cable and telecommunications industry is the transition, in many cases, from entrepreneurial to corporate cultures. Participants will be assisted in assessing their organization and how its “personality” relates to the style of the individual managers. They will also have an opportunity to examine the impact of the cable and telecommunications industry on the larger society. In addition to these issues that any effective executive must master, our program will provide a trusting and open environment in which participants can discuss and grapple with the unique challenges faced by managers of color throughout their careers. Our program will be led by experienced facilitators who can provide a framework for understanding multi-cultural issues, time for discovery and strategizing, and stories and experiences that serve as models. People who are different from the dominant culture need to be clear about their identity, their voice, and their perspective. In order for organizations to benefit from the contributions of its members, the individual members must own their heritages and their styles. This program aims to help members of the minority community find their voices, share their concerns, learn how to locate and use mentors and promote themselves with integrity. It is important to recognize that within the minority community there are a variety of racial and ethnic groupings as well as individual personalities and histories. Discussions of voice and identity will continually recognize the multiplicity of voices within the learning group as a microcosm of the larger organization and the challenge to locate and maintain individual identities. By the end of the program, participants will have:
Instructional approach and teaching methodologies
The approach that we have created and perfected resulted in our program being recognized by the Institute of XXXX for its outstanding design. The design involves a number of unique features, which we propose to include in a customized program for NAMIC. They are: An intensive, extensive and comprehensive program. Training that allows for application and retention requires participants to be intensively involved over a period of time. We propose four sessions, each one-week in length, at a conference center (September, 2001, November 2001, February, 2002 and June 2002) to be alternated with on-the-job periods for application. This allows for comprehensive training with enough time to formulate a foundation for long-term, visionary change. (You will note that this is one week longer than our public program. In addition to most of the essential elements in the public program, we will be adding modules related to business acumen and allowing time to apply all aspects of the program to the unique issues faced by minority managers.) In-depth assessment for each participant. Evaluation of personal, leadership and organizational qualities through a variety of proven assessment tools and techniques, including the Myers-Briggs, the 360 degree Leadership Practices Inventory and a corporate culture assessment. (These assessments and the application of learnings from the instruments are essential to helping leaders identify both personal and cultural differences, how human beings deal with others and how culture makes one difference from another.) Action-learning projects. Two
leadership projects (one job-oriented, the other, community-based), designed
from real work and life issues for the
purpose of applying and reinforcing the skills and insights gained throughout
this program. Without this application new skills remain abstract and untested.
The Work Action-Learning Project, which involves
a job-related mission, serves some additional purposes. It allows the
participant to make a real contribution to his or her organization, providing
an immediate return on the investment made in the participant as an emerging
leader. And it allows the participant an opportunity for engaging in new and
productive behaviors that others in the organization have not demonstrated.
Examples of past projects are: ·
Creating a multi-supplier response task
force. ·
Redesigning a production flow system. ·
Improving credit card complaint response
time. ·
Making the HR department “customer
sensitive”. ·
Creating/installing a performance-based
layoff system. (NAMIC may wish to select a project common to the
participants, or each participant may select a project in concert with his/her
supervisor and coach.) The Community Action-Learning Project, involves a
community mission. This project is
included in the program for several reasons: (1) All true business leaders understand
that one cannot operate a healthy business in an unhealthy community, that
there is an obligation to support the community in a manner at least
proportional to the benefits one receives by working and living there. Leaders
know they can help so they do help
and not just with their money, but by contributing their ideas, their talent
and their energy. The project is, thus, an act of stewardship, a commitment of
the Daniels College of Business. (2) This project will connect participants and
their organizations in a very real way to their communities. (3) And, finally,
this project will allow the application of new skills in a relatively “safe” context, i.e., where rewards are
potentially great, but the risk of failure is less. Examples of past community
projects are: ·
Starting a
community newsletter. ·
Revitalizing a
“Habitat for Humanity” chapter. ·
Starting a company
recycling program. ·
playground equipment in urban neighborhoods. ·
Beginning a
mentoring program for unemployed women. The Action Learning Projects enable the
participants to execute the five leadership practices: Challenging the Process,
Inspiring a Shared Vision, Enabling Others to Act, Modeling the Way and
Encouraging the Heart in real environments. Social
Settings, Office Politics and Protocol. Certain
conventions have come to be accepted in society and in each organization. Not knowing expected behavior results in
managers being uncomfortable or inadvertently making others uncomfortable and
distracting attention from important matters of business.
Since conventions change, it is difficult to be
prepared for social interactions.
Furthermore, various communities and cultures differ in their practices
and expectations. Our program will include informal learning events
which provide an opportunity for participants to review, discuss and practice
appropriate protocol. Facilitators. The program is led by two experienced co-facilitators. They are people with business experience, an understanding of management and leadership, and the ability to draw learnings from the experiences of the participants. While guest speakers may enrich the program and address particulate concerns related to the cable industry and minority issues, the facilitators are present throughout the program to prepare, execute and process all learning experiences. Individual
Coaching. One of the most effective elements of our approach is one-to-one
executive coaching to guide action projects and development throughout the
program. The two facilitators serve as
coaches, each in a personal way to half of the participants. The coach will
contact the participant prior to the first gathering of the group to discuss
the program and to schedule a conference call with the participant and his or
her supervisor. This conference call
helps both the participant and supervisor understand what to expect from the
program. It may also be used to begin
discussion of the work-related project. During each session of the program, the
coach will provide private coaching sessions. In these sessions, the coach
Monitor the
participant’s progress. §
Advise him or her
on issues related to the program §
Discuss concepts
and techniques covered in the sessions. §
Provide honest
feedback. §
encouragement. Multiple
learning approaches. Group time will include brief lecturettes,
discussion, role play, case studies, readings, videos, brainstorming,
simulation exercises, journal writing.
Learning is deductive and active. (The accompanying video illustrates the action
learning approach that will be used.) Guest Speakers. Leaders in the cable industry, particularly from the minority community, will describe their personal and professional journeys, model “best practices” and provide advice and encouragement. Program Outline
Gathering #1 - Personal Leadership Development - Vision and Values
On-the-Job - Building a Vision
Gathering #2 - Business Management Acumen and Interpersonal Leadership
On-the-Job - Working with Others
Gathering #3- Culture - Corporate Culture and National Cultures
On-the-Job - Working within the Organization
Gathering #4 - Leading the Future
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