Basic Supervision
Five Day Facilitated Course LEADING IN 21ST CENTURY
Leadership is the total effect you have on the people and
events around you. This total effect is
your influence. Effective management is
being consciously responsible for your organizational influence. The way you use your influence affects the
way your people use their potential. You cannot control people into being
innovative, productive and creative-you use you influence and skill to create
an environment in which they are willing to do well what you want them to do. Individuals
who demonstrate exceptional leadership abilities areas of competencies PERFORM: Purpose, Empowerment,
Relationships and Communication, Optimal Performance, Recognition, Motivation
and Morale. This program is designed to enable enhance your
competencies, and allow you to bring out the best in your people, maximize your
influence and improve your skills. The
tools techniques and formats provided in this class will also contribute to
your over all satisfaction, build relationships with others, and enhance your
success supervising diverse individuals in a changing environment. BENEFITS: This
program will ·
Bring out the best in everyone's
performance ·
Examine personal styles of behavior in the workplace and the
styles of others; ·
Determine how these styles affect the quality of leadership;
Explore the origin of visioning and its relationship to
values; ·
Explore diversity in terms of
Help new and experienced managers
improve their skills ·
Help not only the manager, but everyone
affected by the manager ·
Develop qualities of effective
authority, supervision, influence and discipline ·
Provide "SEVEN COMPETENCIES " to develop and
enhance managerial skills and techniques in a creative way SUPERVISORY
-Vision in Action E- Empowerment-
Validate, Partner. R- Relationships
and Communication- Dialogue, Clear Motives/Intentions F- Flexibility O- Optimal
Performance- Consensus, Constructive Disagreement R- Recognition-Genuine,
Specific Valuing M- Motivation and
Morale - Visibility, Engage, Access, Involve OVERVIEW 1. Supervisory
Responsibilities Leading in the 21st Century Developing Subordinate And Team Performance Inspiring a Shared Vision -Putting it into Action 2.
for Performance: Values
in Action Motivating
A Diverse Work force Situational Leadership: Coaching and Counseling Delegation Team Building 3. Interpersonal
Relations Effective Communication Effective Decision Making Innovative Problem Solving 4. Performance
Management Conduct and Discipline Conflict Management 5. Ethics PRECOURSE OPTIONS ·
Supervisory Survey ·
Participants gather confidential "360-degree"
feedback from colleagues. ·
Participants interview a leader of their choice ·
ACTION Organizations with vision, mission,
values and goals that are deeply shared throughout the organization bind people
together around a common identity and a sense of purpose. To develop into a
great organization your vision keeps everyone on track - people know where they
are going, how they contribute and the importance of their participation. Yet, though your vision may be the best
strategy and what everybody wants, if the people responsible for integrating
the strategic goals dont buy-in, youre in trouble! You need to cultivate
their commitment. Implementing your
vision requires understanding and action at many levels throughout the
organization. All must understand,
share in, and contribute to the vision or that vision will not become a
reality. The key is
partnership. It creates an environment, which fosters innovation, productivity,
and creativity while minimizing conflict, misunderstandings, and resulting
chaos. The way you partner with your people will affect the way they take
initiative. It will determine whether or not your people choose to be
responsible, and not just reactive. The tangible tools,
techniques, and system -based formats provided in this class will build
rewarding relationships with others by charting out mutual expectations based
on a shared vision. BENEFITS: ·
Understand what is essential to take a vision into action ·
Understand the importance of partnering with your people in
this process ·
Identify your mission and your organizations mission ·
Six steps to take a vision into action ·
Develop a successful plan of action to
implement the goals ·
Accomplish more of what is important ·
Know the satisfaction of working on
what counts ·
Identify where you are now, to make
goal setting more meaningful ·
Determine what you want and what you
need to motivate you and others ·
Specify steps to make goal achieving
less burdensome COURSE
The Crisis-The Importance Of A Vision ·
The Why's And Wherefores ·
Why Create A Vision? Beliefs Create Reality ·
Requirement For An Effective Vision ·
Examples Of A Powerful Visions ·
Developing A Vision, Strategic Plan, Tactical Plan, and
Budget Allocations ·
The Visioning Process- the Eight Essentials ·
Visioning Guidelines- The Six Principles for Success ·
Planning Guide ·
The Process ·
Identifying A Central Purpose Developing Broad Goals To
Achieve The Mission Identifying
Core Values Getting Buy-in From
Stakeholders Environmental Analysis Developing Strategic Initiatives Assigning Specific Projects
And Activities ·
Build A Partnership That Works Together To Meet Deadlines,
Cope With ·
The Six Steps To Creating Partnership Mutual Expectations Mutual Agreement Negotiation And Collaboration Review Of Support And Achievement Re-Assessment And Redirection ·
Making It Work- Action Planning Develop
Action Plans Overcome
Obstacles That Get In The Way Cultivate
Support /Resources To Reach Your Objectives Monitor Results And
Achievements PARTNERING FOR PERFORMANCE II MOTIVATING A DIVERSE WORKFORCE Developing an appreciation for each person's uniqueness and
strategies to bring out the best performance in each individual is essential to
good leadership. Diversity in the workforce means there are differences in
personality that you have to learn to manage successfully. The tangible tools, techniques, and formats
provided in this class would help build relationships with others, and
encourage and engage individuals in a changing environment. GEREATIONS AT
WORK Veterans, Boomers,
Xers, Nexters CHOCOLATE -
TRADITIONAL Traditional workers are comfortable with rules, policies,
and procedures. You believe that
without such guidelines, social breakdown would result. VANILLA -
PARTICIPATORY Social ties and interpersonal commitment are your preferred
form of control. The participatory
employee says, "I will do this.
Will you do that? Promise? Promise." STRAWBERRY -
INDEPENDANTS Control is a negative word for independents and you see it
as restricted freedom. You believe control
should come from what the individual thinks is right BENEFITS: MOTIVATING A DIVERSE WORKFORCE helps you as a manager to
improve your communication and interpersonal relationships. It helps you to bring out the best in
others: Identify your personality and communication
style and how it affects your relations with others Discover the powerful tool for unlocking a
closed mind Learn how to use motivational approaches that
work Ensure good human relationships with
associates Motivate diverse personalities, generations Recognize peoples individuality and use it
to develop trust and respect Utilize styles of human relations to
influence the quality of work and the quality of work life Situational Leadership Coaching And
Counseling Twenty years ago,
leadership meant power. Today, the key
to supervising is coaching and counseling.
The way a manager uses these techniques directly affects the way their
people perform. But, their individual developmental level also affects the way
people perform. The challenge of
coaching/counseling is assessing the level of initiative and responsibility in
each person, in light of the task and their motivation and ability. Not an easy task, but a profitable one! BENEFITS: This
program will: ·
Bring out the best in everyone's
performance ·
Help new and experienced managers
improve their skills ·
Help not only the manager, but everyone
affected by the manager ·
Develop qualities of effective
authority, supervision, influence and discipline ·
Develop the ability to determine when
to be directive, supportive, to counsel, to coach ·
Diagnose accurately if it is a motivation or ability issue ·
Creating a positive climate to encourage problem resolution ·
Dealing with ABILITY PROBLEMS Effective Delegation
to delegate is an acquired skill. Why?
Most managers have achieved their successes because
they are motivated, action-oriented people. Managers tend to have a can-do
attitude about their jobs and their lives, and while these are admirable
qualities a manager cannot do it all!
As a great manager, you have to learn to empower the people around you.
It is the best way for you not only to get top performance from others, but
also get maximum results from yourself. The benefits are worth it - you
accomplish much more, top-line goals for your organization are set collectively
but responsibility for how best to achieve them is delegated to the individuals
involved. Employees who take responsibility, not only improve their skills, but
are more motivated. BENEFITS:
Learn why, what, and how to delegate, ·
Delegate more than you want to, earlier than you
need to. ·
Determine whether what you are delegating is
strategy, process, project, task or activity ·
Chose the right person or people to carry out
your requirements ·
Assess the capabilities, attitudes and skills of
your staff and play to their strengths ·
Learn not delegate just to get rid of the nasty
bits of your own job, but to motivate and develop others ·
Avoid creating indispensable and unpromotable people ·
Identify and overcome the four main reasons why managers
don't delegate more often ·
Practice the six developmental steps
managers must go through to delegate effectively Team
Building It is clear that teams are
not a new managerial fad. . According to Lawlers 1995 study of USA s Fortune
1000 from 87 to93, self - managing work teams are used in 68% of the
corporations and are applied to a growing percentage of the workforce. And teams have grown considerably since
then. But it is also in disputable that
the use and application of the true potential of teams is still unknown for
many organizations. This workshop you help your work group learn what it takes
to implement a teamwork system and learn the best practices so your effort to create
a collaborative environment is successful. BENEFITS: ·
Assessing your workgroups effectiveness ·
Understand what the basics principles of teamwork are ·
Create a checklist to determine why type of team types fits
your organizational structure ·
Lean the many types of teams and know when each style is
appropriate, ·
Learn what a high
performing team looks like and what it takes to develop one ·
Turn a work group into a highly motivated hardworking team
with shared values ·
Develop a flexible planning process to assure a productive
work atmosphere and ability to complete projects · Make the team more productive and effective by applying team decision making skills ·
Learn techniques to solve conflicts among team members ·
Deal successfully with difficult issues in a way the builds
trust and encourages collaboration ·
Learn a fail-safe method to resolve problems and strengthens
the say the team works together ·
Problems and what to do if they dump it on you ·
Develop a systematic way work thought the stages of team
development ·
Understand what it takes not only to keep the team on task
but how to motivate the individual team members and bring out the best in
the Basic Principles of Teamwork -Today's rapidly changing work environment
forces teams to constantly face new situations that require quick and decisive
action. How successfully a team can
react depends largely on the values that guide its members. The basic
principles of a team are a set of shared values that help members work together
more effectively as they face organizational changes and challenges. ·
The Difference Between A Team And A Work Group ·
The Benefits Of Team Playing: Opportunities Vs Dangers ·
Shared Values That Help Team Members Work Together ·
Overcoming The Barriers To Team Building And Playing- How To
Take Risks, Learn From Mistakes, Share Information, And Deal With Constant
the Aspects That High Performing Teams Are Made Of; The Traits That They
Possess That Other Teams Do Not ·
Evaluating Your Team Against the Characteristics of A High
Performance Team - P. E. R. F.O. R. M. ·
Strategies to Improve Your Team's: P: Purpose, E:
Empowerment, R: Relationships and
Communication, F: Flexibility, O: Optimal Performance R: Recognition and Appreciation, M: Morale ACHIEVEING THE TEAM
Tools And Techniques For Keeping A Team On Course As Its
Members Work Together To Accomplish The Team's Mission And Goals Is The
Responsibility Of All Members, Not Just The Team Leader. ·
Setting Achievable Objectives, Tracking Progress,
Recognizing Milestones ·
Outlining Norms Of Working Together ·
Techniques To Work Through The Stages Of Group Development ·
Tools To Balance The Team's Workload ·
Active Listening Skills ·
Skills to Encourage Member
Contribution, Maximize Individual Participation, Enhance Motivation and Assure
Commitment ·
Handle Group Dynamics to Positively Affect
the Outcome ·
Encouraging Participation, Cutting Off
Discussions Tactfully ·
Developing Strategies
and Methods for Improvement EMPOWERING INDIVIDUALS TO TAKE AN ACTIVE PART IN DECISION MAKING Individual Team Members Need To Take An Active Role In Making
Decisions. They need to learn to take a
win-win approach in defining the team's best course of action. They have to
have a clear method to reach the decision(s) that utilizes the talents of al
team members. ·
Understanding How Teams Make Decisions ·
Determining The Four Types Of Decision Makers On Your Team ·
Darwin, Einstein Socrates And Ford Thinking Styles Inventory WORKING THROUGH TEAM PROBLEMS
Raising Difficult Issues with Your Team -Knowing how to
handle situations that slow down the team's ability to accomplish a task, or
possibly prevent a team from meeting its mission and goals is essential to team
success. Some of the issues are
difficult to raise, especially those that result from another team member's action,
but they still must be addressed sensitively and honestly so the team can move
forward. To raise these difficult
issues in a way that builds trust and strengthens the ability to work together
as a team, a team needs to: ·
Understand How Personalities Affect Working Together ·
Understand How to Value Diversity -Foster Cooperation,
Respect, Trust And Tolerance ·
Understand How to Bring
Out The Best In Team Performance With Chocolate (Traditional), Vanilla
(Participative), Strawberry (Individualistic) Team Players ·
Understand The Four
Steps To Raising A Difficult Issues With A Team Member ·
Understand Why People Do What They Do ·
Inventory Present Skills And Approaches
To Resolving Team Problems ·
Recognize Different Approaches For
Working With Conflict ·
Understand The Advantages And
Disadvantages Of Each Approach ·
Select The Most Effective
Conflict-Handling Mode ·
Determine The Best Strategy To Produce
The Most Desirable Outcome ·
How To Implement The Strategy ·
CARRYING OUT TEAM PLANS For a team to successfully complete projects and meet their
mission and goals, they need to have a sound, flexible planning process in
place to ensure tasks are smoothly and efficiently coordinated. . ·
Planning Effectively - Establishing An Agenda, Preparing And
Informing Others ·
Determining What The Team Needs At Each Stage Of Group
Development To Be Able To Complete Projects ·
ORIENTATION: Analyzing, Planning and Follow-through ·
DISSATISFACTION: Analyzing, Planning and Follow-through ·
RESOLUTION: Analyzing, Planning and Follow-through ·
PRODUCTION: Analyzing, Planning and Follow-through ·
How To Anticipate Obstacles And Seek Alternatives For
Handling Contingencies at Each Stage ·
Group Stage Development Instrument Interpersonal Communication Effective Communication for Supervisors This type of dialogue does not happen
automatically. At work we find a variety of different worlds, which creates a
world of differences when we communicate, so we need to understand the world
were entering as well as how to assess the differences and adjust our styles. A
supervisor has to communicate effectively across cultures, and treat others
equitably; otherwise differences in culture, gender, style, or personality can
result in communication breakdowns. In this program, you'll learn
strategies to speak effectively, elicit responses, overcome listening blocks,
and deal knowledgeably with differences. OBJECTIVES ·
Talk so that people will listen ·
Overcome barriers to understanding what's being said ·
Get on the same wavelength and find a common language ·
Create a positive environment in which others feel that they
are heard ·
Talk with people
not at them ·
Be direct and specific with request while building rapport,
mutual respect ·
Elicit input from others, make it safe for them to respond ·
Communicate in a way to get people to listen by respecting
and utilizing differences to create tolerance and openness ·
Improve dialogue skills-learn to acknowledge, validate and
stop interrupting ·
Identify and eliminate listening blocks so that you can focus
and pay full attention ·
Identify your personal communication style and that of
others in order to communicate across cultures ·
Use inquiry to get complete information and understanding ·
Use paraphrasing to confirm your understanding and eliminate
costly unintended meanings OUTLINE THE POWER OF DIALOGUE ·
Definition of communication-the importance active listening
and giving and receiving feedback ·
Dialogue -how to make it easy for others to know what you
think and make it safe for them to respond ·
The barriers to effective communication in supervision ·
Exercise: Effective Communication -Self Inventory © ·
Identifying personal strengths and areas for improvement WHAT MAKES PEOPLE
Why people don't listen ·
Three essential keys to insure people listen to you ·
The role self talk and inner speech play in listening HOW DO STYLE
The role of personality in the communication process Self
Inventory ·
Strategies for dealing with different personalities:
Traditional, Participatory, Independent -The Chocolate, Vanilla Or Strawberry
Elements of effective expression ·
Strategies to improve rapport, trust and openness ·
Being straight, specific and non- threatening ·
Sending whole messages, not contaminated messages ACTIVE LISTENING -
Elements of effective
listening: creating a positive climate, trying to understand, confirming youre
understanding - paraphrasing and feedback
Overcoming listening barriers and negative inner speech ·
Identify and eliminate listen blocks ·
Recognize that all
communication is cross-cultural communication ·
How tell the difference
between the low-context, high-context cultures ·
How to deal with
conflict resulting from differences in meaning, pacing, volume, gestures, space
and touch. When supervising how to decide when to show or not show emotions,
decide how far to get involved, when and how to acknowledge achievement,
exercise control Case Study ·
How to respect
diversity of gender, age, race, region, country ·
How to use the W. H. A.
T. Technique© to get into their world successfully HOW DO YOU GIVE AND
Why is feedback important? ·
How to use feedback to guide and develop others ·
Getting from No to Yes ·
How to use your feedback to influenced
the use of their potential ·
What makes feedback constructive? - The
four steps to enhance your effectiveness and minimize disruptive reactions ·
Describing behaviors you want to
reinforce or redirect ·
Identifying situations in which you
observed these behaviors ·
Describing impacts and consequences ·
Identifying alternative behaviors and actions ·
How to use the I.C.A.R.E. Technique © Video Getting from No
communication WORK FOR YOU ·
Diagnosing your most important developmental area ·
Action planning for improvement Application Exercise Effective Decision
Management Effective decision-making is one of the most important
skills you can develop. It is a way to
enhance your productivity, your effectiveness, stretch your abilities, while
meeting the impossible demands of a managerial workload. In today's changing environment with reduced
staffing, reduced budgets, and increasing responsibilities, effective decision
making is an indispensable to your survival. Using these decision management
principles, you can virtually add hours to your workday- you work smarter, not
harder, accomplish more, increase output, decrease pressure and fatigue, and
maintain control of your time, your work and your employees BENEFITS: ·
Balance competing conflicting
commitments ·
Accomplish more in less time ·
Increase control over their work, staff
and career ·
Handle routine delegating details
efficiently ·
Have more time for priority activities ·
Overcome work anxiety, pressure and
fatigue ·
Learn productivity habits that
immediately improve output ·
Develop working relationships to
increase everyone's productivity ·
Gain more satisfaction from work Innovative Problem Solving Success
as a supervisor in the 21st Century means you continue to develop
mentally, to rekindle our creativity, to be innovative and open-minded. Yet new
ideas are not always easily accepted they demand change, challenge our
understanding of complex issues, disrupt the status quo, create uncertainty,
mean more work to do, and even make us question our prior success. Why the
resistance? We deny we need to change as we assume the future is a mere
extension of the past, that ideas that brought us to our present success today
will take us into tomorrow. So
we learn to be open to innovation, overcome resistance and generate new ideas
and evaluate in light of the change we anticipate. In
this hand on workshop you will learn what your thinking style is, how it can
help you and where it can blind you. You will determine your mental blocks, and
ways to overcome them. Recognize why
you rely on the known, learn when to rebel against it. Practice challenging your assumptions and
breaking out of outdated thinking patterns.
Discover new options, see unlikely connections and unlock your mind for
innovation. You will find out how to use imagination, intuition, humor, and
playfulness to break out of limiting patterns of thinking, and to look for new
possibilities, challenges and opportunities. This
course has been designed to get you out of your BOX- your limiting patterns of
thinking - to discover new possibilities, innovative solutions, novel
opportunities and manifest the truly unexpected by transcending what has been
done before! BENEFITS: ·
Develop Important Thinking Habits Which
You Can Use In All Situations To Be More Creative ·
Assess Your Thinking/ Innovation Style ·
Get Past Assumptions And Limiting
Thinking Boxes ·
Identify And Overcome Roadblocks To
Innovation ·
Obtain Thirty Keys To Help Open The
Most Common Mental Blocks ·
Learn Eight Approaches To Generate New
Ideas And Produce Innovative Solutions ·
Jump-Start Creative Collaboration ·
The Expertise Of Individuals Who Do Not Understand One Another Or Think The
Same ·
Learn To Work Together. Manage Differences Into Innovation ·
Practice Mental Calisthenics- ·
The Energy Released By Combining Different Thinking Styles And Propel
Creativity And Innovation ·
Use Impractical Ideas As Stepping Stones To Creative Ideas ·
Learn How To Playing The Fool Can Lead To Innovation ·
Understand When Breaking The Rules Can Be An Avenue To
Invention ·
Identify Places Where You Can Hunt For Ideas ·
Generate Ideas and Evaluate Their
Appropriateness ·
Make Implementation The Easiest Part Of
The Process ·
Find The Problem with Your Idea Before It Finds You ·
Identify The Real Consequences and
Avoid Wasting Time, Money And Energy On Curing The Symptoms Outline What
Is Innovation? The
Bringing Into Being Something Which Did Not Exist Before, Either As A Product,
A Process Or A Thought. ·
What's The Competitive Imperative? ·
How To Recognize Possibilities ·
What's The Process? Generation,
Evaluation, Implementation Dangers
& Opportunities WHY?:
New ideas are resisted- they demand change, challenge our understanding of
complex issues, disrupt the status quo, create uncertainty, mean more work to
do, and even make us question our prior success. Sometimes we deny the need to
change as we assume the future is a mere extension of the past, that ideas that
brought us to our present success today will take us into tomorrow. ·
How To Understand Opportunities In
Innovation ·
How To Identify Dangers ·
How To Deal With Resistance Innovation
And The Way You Think, The Way You Dont Think Why? Thinking styles are the different ways you perceive and
understand data, make decisions, solve problems and relate to people. These
preferences can work to your advantage or disadvantage when meeting the
challenge to innovate. Knowing the way you think and dont think is the first
step in seeing, accepting and understanding new ideas! ·
How To Identify And Understand Your
Thinking Style ·
How To Understand the Best About
Darwin, Einstein, Socrates, Or Ford? ·
How To Maximize Your Style's Potential
And Minimize Its Limitations ·
How To Overcome Roadblocks Due To
Habitual Thinking Enhancing
Innovation, Creative Collaboration With A Diverse Thinking Team Why? No matter how brilliant the group of individuals, their
contributions to innovate problem solving are enhanced by coming up against
totally different perspectives. Diversity brings results: 9 out of 10 times
there is a better decision. If a particular thinking style dominates, it
seriously limits opportunities and creative approaches. ·
How To Use Diverse Thinking Teams To Innovate Solutions ·
How To Jump-start Creative Collaboration ·
How To Innovate And Solve Problems In Different Ways. ·
How To Overcome Dominant Thinking
Styles Mental
Calisthenics: Building A Better Brain: Practice Why? Innovation is a crucial survival skill for society,
especially during times of rapid change; and that the skill to innovate resides
in people. These linear and intuitive techniques help people manifest the truly
unexpected by transcending what has been done before. ·
How To Use Your Brain's Capacity To
Grow And To Change ·
Developing Linear and Intuitive Tactics- Mastering Tools ·
Jumping The Track, Vacate, Novel, Drain
Your Brain, Lateral Thinking, Mind Excursions, Great Thinkers ·
Cultivate Curiosity, Find Opportunities
In Obstacles, Use Natures Lessons, Turn Inspiration Into Useful Action, Lead a
Novel Life, Do Things Differently INNOVATION
APPLICATION EXERCISE Why? Today's complex issues demand integrating
the expertise of individuals who do not think the same, and the pace of change
demands that they quickly learn to work together. The innovation exercises
here harnesses the energy released by combining different thinking styles and
propels creativity and innovation ·
How to Apply
What We Have Mastered to A Real Life Situation ·
Describing How To Define Problems Effectively How
To Learn As Much As You Can In The Shortest Possible Time How
To Develop Fact-Finding Skills How
To Obtain The Keys To Help Open The Most Common Mental Locks ·
The Cause How To Make The First Assessment Successfully How
To Learn Strategies For Identifying The Source, Cause, And Affect Of Your
Frustrations How
To Formulate And Test Validity Of Possible Assumptions ·
Option Finding How To Generate Alternatives And Solutions How
To Practice Blockbusting Techniques ·
Being Decisive
- Choosing A Solution How To Evaluate Ideas How
To Select Appropriate Solutions ·
Leading To
Action How To Develop Strategies To Resolve Problems How
To Implement Results How
To Develop An Action Plan How
To Overcome Obstacles ·
Evaluate And M
Monitor Results How To Find Problems Before They Find You How
To Anticipate Potential Problems Performance Management and Appraisal CONTENT ·
How to set goals you and your people can reach ·
Learn effective and ineffective ways of goal setting,
praising and reprimanding ·
Understand how personality plays a part-how to bring out
peak performance in everyone ·
Determine how to diagnose the performance problem ·
Learn what to do when you make a mistake with one your
people ·
Techniques of "catching people doing something
right" ·
How to praise so your people know you're sincere ·
Specific words that
minimize people's defensiveness when you criticize them ·
Rewards and awards-how to make them work ·
Develop appraisals systems that work
for you and the employee ·
Cultivate support and resources to
ensure your people succeed ·
Monitor results and achievements ·
Practice appraisal feedback interviews Conduct and Discipline Your success in guiding and developing others is directly
related to your ability to assess conduct, give feedback to, and discipline
your employees. Once most people
understand what is required at work, they can usually be counted on to do thier
jobs effectively. Preventative discipline heightens employee awareness of
organizational policies and rules. Knowledge of disciplinary procedures
prevents violations, and the disciplinary system itself can help modify the
behavior of the marginal and unproductive employee. When a manager focuses on
fact-finding and guidance to encourage desirable behavior, the sequence of
progressive discipline can help impress upon the offender the seriousness of
the problem while giving them the opportunity to correct their behavior. BENEFITS: Learn THE FEEDBACK PROCESS- the four steps to
enhance your effectiveness and minimize disruptive reactions Learn
ways to specifically describe behaviors you want to reinforce or redirect Identify
situations in which you observed these behaviors Describe
impacts and consequences Identify
alternative behaviors and actions Use
positive feedback to reinforce Use
negative feedback to redirect Minimize
misunderstandings Avoid
problems describing the behavior -- attacking, judging, rambling, hitting and
running, dumping, missing the point, flaming Practicing
positive feedback - reinforcing ability problems Practicing
negative feedback - redirecting motivation problems From Conflict to Collaboration In
today's constantly changing business environment, confronting situations with
cool-headed confidence and poise is
an essential skill. How you handle
emotionally charged situations makes a powerful difference in your leadership
style and the influence you have on others. So if you every feel frustrated
that others will not listen to your side of the issue, feel intimidated by your
anger-or someone else's feel like forcing the issue, or avoiding the conflict
all together, or find yourself taking it personally or taking it home with you
- it doesn't have to be that way. You can maintain your composure and emotional
control and use your influence constructively in any situation. This program will provide tools and techniques to deal with
the inevitable conflicts of interest.
The goals are to explore your ethical decision making process, your
preferred methods for resolving conflicts, to understand the ensuing advantages
and disadvantages, and to see how they relate to your work experience. BENEFITS: Upon completion of this program, you will have the tools to
know how to effectively deal with conflict will benefit both you and your
organization. Specific strategies will
help you to work positively with others, face conflict more confidently, deal
with resistance, as well help you handle frustrating situations while defusing
anger in yourself and others. Zero in on the real causes of ethical
dilemmas and conflict of interest Determine if, and when to deal with
conflicts of interest Negotiate conflicts with subordinates,
co- workers, the boss, and the public Communicate in a way that encourages
openness, cooperation and agreement Increase your ability to problem solve
collaboratively Learn a problem solving approach to
ethical situations Why
people do what they do We are all difficult at times, but
difficult people do it all the time Why people are difficult-their
priorities, their motivations Learn how not to take their behavior personally UNDERSTANDING
situations that foster difficult interactions Clarify your relationship Identify
your invisible agreements Determine
if you are contributing to the difficulty Understand
"your style" of dealing with situations and people IDENTIFYING
different personality types Sort
out events and problems Analyze motivational problems Determine
ability problems Overcoming
your own tendency to react, to ram, or to run SIZING UP ANY SITUATION
Sorting out events and problems
Separating the truly difficult
situations from IS - Impossible Situations BB - Behavior Blindness NIC - Negative
Interactions Cycles
M&A - Motivation and Ability Problems STRATEGIES TO BRING OUT THE BEST
IN INTERACTIONS Six Steps to Success 1. Assess the Situation 2. Stop Wishing They Were
Different 3. Get Some Distance -See the Behavior Patterns as Prototypes
Different 4. Select a Coping Strategy 5. Implement Your Plan 6. Monitor Your Progress KEEP COOL UNDER FIRE-
Keep your own emotions in check
even in the face of attack, criticism, anger and blame.
Handle hostility and accusations
with finesse one-to-one or in a group Ethics: Fire in a Dark World Accepting the
role of manager means a person also accepts responsibility for being the
organization's agent, the representative of an organization's core values to
their employees. They also represent the needs, interests and well being of
those employees to the organization. The ethical challenge is for the manager
to balance the organization's core values his/her personal values and the
values of the people being supervised, in such a way as to optimize ethical
congruence and minimize ethical conflict. Being ethically effective in this
role is critical. Most managers are concerned about doing what is right.
Honesty, integrity, promise keeping, fidelity, fairness, caring for others,
respect for others, responsible citizenship, pursuit of excellence and
accountability are accepted values, but their execution is not always easy
-even though management's desire is to create an organization that operates
consistently and predictably in accordance with such stated and endorsed
values. But the
benefits are worth the challenges: good ethics equals good business. In terms
of quality, customer services employee relations, vendor relations, regulatory
relations and public perception, the benefits of ethical re undeniable. There
is also ample evidence that many counter‑productive employee behaviors
are a direct response to employee perceptions of u Fairness or a lack of
integrity within the organization. When employees perceive ethical conflict ‑
disagreement between their personal values and the values overtly stated or
implied by an organization's actions ‑ they often feel a need to defend
them from anticipated retaliation and/or to punish the organization for how
they have been treated. Trust leads to loyalty. And ethical dealings with
employees and customers lead to trust. This trust can help deter low commitment
to organizational goals and objectives, poor performance and/or morale, lack of
involvement in programmed improvement initiatives and employee indifference to
the needs of the organization. CONTENT: All organizations have an ethical foundation, whether or not it is
clearly verbalized. This ethic is
evidenced in organizational practices, for which the organization is ultimately
responsible. These practices may
aggressively favor one constituency, or may seek to balance the legitimate
requirements of all constituencies.
Think for a moment about the following questions and record your
thoughts in your journal: ·
What is rewarded most by your organization? Does this line up with stated values? ·
How do your organization's core values influence major practices in
your organization? ·
How are the organization's values recognized and rewarded? CONTENT: ·
Why Ethics? ·
Ethics as Choice ·
Ethical Decision Making‑ Examining the impact of a
decision, by looking at individualistic, altruistic, pragmatic and idealistic
consequences, how to find the balance most appropriate to you and make your
decisions ·
Facing the Ethical Dilemmas ·
Everybody Else Does It ·
Fairness Equals Sameness ·
The Exemplary Employee ·
Ethical Managing, Day by Day ·
Ensuring that employees have the information they need to be
effective ·
What is expected or required them to survive and to be
successful ·
Sharing "how they are doing" at this point in time
(tasks and ethics). Congruence ·
The Self‑Test a.k.a. The Butterfly Test ·
The Authority Test a.k.a. What Would Mamma Say? ·
The Public Scrutiny Test a.k.a. What Would the Neighbors
Think? ·
Why Good People Do Bad Things ·
What Influences Bad Choices or Unethical Behavior? ·
Eight Rationalizations for Ethical Compromise 1. I have to cut
corners to meet my goals. 2. I lack the
time /resources to do what is right. 3. My peers
expect me to act this way. 4. My superiors
want results, not excuses. 5. I don't think
it is really wrong or illegal. 6. Others would
think that it is a good choice. 7. No one will
ever know the difference. 8. I am afraid to
do what I know is right. ·
Lessons from the Business Community |
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